Health and fitness is technically a year-round topic, yet it never seems to be more popular than at the beginning of a new year. With resolutions and goals on the mind, many people are eager to start the year reclaiming their bodies and health. And while many other content categories, like beauty, showed a dip in popularity during the beginning of the pandemic, health and fitness showed a spike! While stuck at home with closed gyms, novices and athletes alike were turning to home workouts on YouTube.
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, and many users visit the site to find solutions to their immediate needs. If you’re looking for a new workout or healthy recipes, you are likely to start on YouTube. Some of the most popular search terms from 2021 were “workout music,” “ab workout,” and “fitness blender.”
72% of consumers say that they prefer to participate in online fitness classes because the flexibility works better with their schedules. Driving across town, paying a membership fee, and using shared equipment suddenly seems like a much more difficult task when you have the freedom of accessible online fitness classes on your fingertips. In fact, the online fitness industry is projected to be worth more than $59 billion by 2027.
Bringing it back to the present, our technology has identified 549K health and fitness related YouTube videos that are monetizable, brands suitable, and VuePlanner recommended. And on those videos, we are predicting over 1 billion views in the next 30 days. Get in touch with our team today to start your advertising year on the right track and whip your marketing strategy into shape with YouTube advertising.