youtube ad campaign
ReVue data visualization reports.
Placing video ads that make sense.
As an official YouTube partner, VuePlanner has been able to make excellent strides in helping thousands of businesses across the country with their YouTube ad campaigns. Our platform has analyzed and categorized over 17 million channels and scored almost one billion individual YouTube videos. A blend of machine learning, automation, and human editorial review results in a curated universe of YouTube videos that are more likely to yield optimal ad performance.
Benefits of ReVue Insights & Reporting
Videos In Mean Videos Out
General placement reporting can only report out to the Channel level. With VuePlanner video URL-level targeting, we can help you get more granular in your current YouTube reporting by reporting back at the video level.
Find New Pockets of YouTube Inventory
As we run your past campaign data through our VuePlanner categorization, we’ll uncover areas that are performing well, but are under-represented in terms of overall ad spend. And that’s where we’ll zero in to provide you with additional YouTube content to target that you’ve been missing out on.
Rinse, Repeat: A More Sophisticated Ongoing Optimization
By focusing on performance at the video level, we’re able to fine tune precisely the types of videos that yield the most return on your ad spend.
How it Works
Channels to Categories
We start by applying category segmentation to all channels provided on channel placement reports from our proprietary VuePlanner taxonomy.
Contextual Analysis
Then we analyze performance by content category, looking for areas of over and under-performance.
Video Level Collections
Through our Collection Builder, we match premium, identified content with your upcoming campaign’s optimal future performance with video level inclusion lists, scaled to meet your campaign needs.
Who needs ReVue Insights & Reporting?
- Contact us today to learn more about how a ReVue Insights report can improve your YouTube ad performance.
Do you know where your ads are running?
Schedule a demo today to start taking control of your YouTube ad placements.