Reach Customers in a Holiday Shopping Mindset
Per eMarketer, video content is the most popular way consumers research products, and 70% of Internet users say they have bought a product as a result of seeing it on YouTube. In fact, 9 out of 10 consumers have already tried new brands since the pandemic started, and there’s no reason to think that will slow down in the next month. This year, millions of people will turn to YouTube for help with their shopping needs. They will spend hours watching shopping hauls, tech and product reviews, unboxings, and other videos that will help them find products to add to their shopping lists.
Strategically placing your ads in front of viewers intent on purchasing will increase your sales, and that’s where we can help. At VuePlanner, we help advertisers navigate YouTube through our hand-crafted video collections, ensuring that your ads are shown to just the right buyers at just the right time. In fact, we even wrote a guide about it.
Holiday YouTube Content by the Numbers
A recent scan of YouTube content using VuePlanner identified:
- Over 571 thousand videos related to holiday themes, including “heartwarming videos”, “holiday décor”, and “holiday gifts”
- Over 614 million anticipated impressions to those videos over the next 30 days
- Over $30 million in available video ad spend from those videos
Though the days are getting shorter, there is still ample opportunity to reach consumers in a holiday shopping mindset. Last year, we partnered with a top financial company to drive positive lift in brand consideration, preference, and favorability. In fact, by aligning the campaign with heartwarming holiday content, we drove a significant 13% lift in ad recall by viewers of the ad.
There’s not much time left. Call us today and let us help you maximize your YouTube dollars by reaching more customers during this hap-happiest time of the year.
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