Creating your brand’s reputation can take years of effort, but it only takes a moment for it all to crumble. In today’s digital age, every consumer has options to choose from when purchasing a product or service. And they have unlimited online resources to make a decision about which competitor to go with.
Because of the many options for a consumer to choose from, you will need to ensure that your brand is perceived by your consumers in the right light.
What is Brand Perception?
The terms “brand perception” is used to describe how your brand is perceive d in the market, or how customers feel about your particular product or service. This can include things like their thoughts, feelings, opinions, and overall experience with your company.
Every brand has an opportunity to control this perception throughout the entire buyer’s journey – from product development to marketing to customer service to packaging. Every interaction a customer has with your brand either helps of hinders your attempt to build a relationship with your buyers.
There are so many factors at play when it comes to brand perception, nothing is too insignificant. For example, when asking people on the street if they prefer Coke or Pepsi, Coke fans may like red more than blue, or they enjoy Coke’s holiday can designs. They may discuss favorite commercials or mascots. A consumer is just as likely to sitecite something about the brand’s marketing strategy as they are to reference the actual taste of the product.
Brand perception is ultimately controlled by consumers, but you can help persuade consumers’ perceptions by controlling your brand’s messaging and affiliations. Creating ads that showcase your business’s purpose and aligning those ads with contextually relevant content on YouTube can help elicit a strong emotional response from your consumers and drive them to take action.
Why is Brand Perception Important?
Brand perception affects your brand’s reputation and therefore your bottom line. Every time a customer has a positive experience with your brand, trust goes up. The most trust a consumer has in your brand, the more likely they are to purchase from you and recommend your brand to their peers.
When you have a positive brand perception you have more loyal customers, more promising leads, increased revenue, businesses are more likely to partner with you, and launching new products will be easier. This is why it is so important to get brand perception right! And once a customer formulates a perception, it’s nearly impossible to change their minds.
The consequences of negative brand perception are endless. Your consumers will turn to competitors, they will inform peers about their poor experience, you will lose revenue and future customers. But the biggest threat is to your reputation. Customers will quickly begin to lose trust in your brand, placing your brand on a lower pedestal than your competitors.
How Do You Measure Brand Perception?
Now that you know how significant brand perception is, it’s time to learn how to measure it and take stock of your own brand’s perception. A fairly easy and reliable way to depict how customers feel about your brand is by conducting regular web searches and asking for feedback from customers.
You can also set up google alerts for any mention of your brand, monitor your company’s social media accounts and online reviews, and circulate a regular brand perception survey. Don’t underestimate the power of a Brand Lift Study with VuePlanner. We can poll YouTube viewers to see how they feel about your brand vs your competitors.
Enhance Your Brand Perception with VuePlanner
VuePlanner has worked with countless companies across various industries to improve their brand perception. We have helped teams create focused and meaningful content that reached the band’s ideal consumer with our proven methodology.
Schedule a meeting with our team of experts to learn more about brand perception or to get started with VuePlanner right away.